我々は,世界のHappinessとWell-Beingを高め続けるために,“One Health”推進に貢献するエレクトロニクスを創出していきます.
We will create electronics that contribute to the promotion of ‘One Health’ to continue raising Happiness and Well-Being globally.
One Healthは,人・動物の健康と環境の健全性が生態系の中で相互に密接に繋がっていると包括に捉えて分野横断的に課題解決を図るという考え方であり,2016年に世界獣医師会と世界医師会による国際会議でOne Health実践を推進する「福岡宣言」が採択されたように,世界的に重要性が認められ,推進活動が広がってきています.我々は今後,人が含まれる生態系や環境までも対象として,局所に留まらずに異分野・異業種との連携によって全体最適化も目指していく必要があると考えます.この中で,これらの様々な関係性を紐解き,エビデンスに基づく診断・治療や予防を行うためには,医学・歯学に加えて工学的なアプローチの導入が必要不可欠であるため,我々は学術的・技術的にOne Health推進に大きく貢献できるはずです.
One Health is a concept that aims to solve problems in a cross-disciplinary manner, based on the comprehensive understanding that human and animal health and environmental health are closely interconnected in an ecosystem. As the ”Fukuoka Declaration” promoting One Health practice was adopted at an international conference of the World Veterinary Association and the World Medical Association in 2016, its global importance has been recognised and promotional activities are spreading. We believe that in the future it will be necessary to target ecosystems and environments containing people, and to aim for overall optimisation not only locally, but also through collaboration with different fields and industries. In this context, the introduction of an engineering approach in addition to medicine and dentistry is essential to unraveling these various relationships and conducting evidence-based diagnosis, treatment and prevention, and we should be able to make a significant academic and technical contribution to the promotion of One Health.
我々は,One Health推進に必要な生体情報・環境情報を費用対効果が伴う形でセンシングできるようにします.
We enable cost-effective sensing of biometric and environmental information needed to promote One Health.
我々は工学の研究者です.工学は自然科学的手法により社会の役に立つ技術を創出する学問ですが,集積回路の研究が「社会の役に立つ」ためには,ビジネスまでを考える必要があります.これまでの集積回路ビジネスの大きな成功事例をみるとプロセッサやメモリなどの少品種大量生産ということになりますが,一方で,One Healthで必要となるInternet of Things (IoT) やCyber Pysical System (CPS) の用途やニーズは多岐にわたり,かつ今のところ多くがニッチであることから,これらに用いられるであろう集積回路やハードウエアは多品種少量生産となります.これが,IoT/CPSが役に立つ一方で,ハードウエアとしては数が出ないのでコストが下がらず儲からないため,実証実験で終わってしまうといった問題が顕在化している原因の一つです.我々は,この費用対効果が伴いにくいという問題の解決に挑みます.
We are researchers in engineering. Engineering is a discipline that uses natural scientific methods to create technologies that are useful to society, but in order for integrated circuit research to be “useful to society”, it is necessary to consider business. The major success stories in the integrated circuits business to date have been the mass production of small varieties of products such as processors and memories. On the other hand, the applications and needs of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Pysical System (CPS) required for One Health are diverse and, at present, many of them are niche, so the integrated circuits and hardware that will be used for these applications will be in high-mix low-volume production. This is one of the reasons why the IoT/CPS is useful, but the cost of hardware is not profitable because it cannot be produced in large numbers, so it ends up as a demonstration experiment. So, we are working to solve this problem.
We carry out both research and social implementation of integrated circuits/IoT/CPS.
We want to innovate, but it is not enough to create good technology; we need to take it to the point where it is demanded on a large scale on the market and changes people’s lives. In addition to engineering research activities that learn from and utilise nature, activities that learn from customers should be necessary in the innovation process. Establishing these methods or finding clues to solving problems is also research in itself. It is not possible to cover everything in our laboratory alone, so we work in collaboration with a wide range of people and organisations.
The combined scale of the multiple niche markets of the IoT is large enough that we expect that hardware that fulfils common customer needs in each niche area could become a killer device. We are repeating the cycle of technology marketing based on prototyping in several application areas and fine-tuning the direction of integrated circuit/IoT/CPS research and development based on the information obtained from this. We would like to work together with experts and students bringing in new ideas to make our research even better. Of course, there must be better ways of doing this. We would like to work together with experts and students bringing in new ideas to make our research even better.
Examples of Research Interests
1. Integrated Circuits / Sensor Technologies
1.1. Ultra-Low Power Analog/RF CMOS Circuits
Internet of Things (IoT) / Cyber Pysical System (CPS) で活用することを想定して,極低消費電力な無線通信集積回路や,時系列データ処理用の極低消費電力アナログフロントエンド回路,それらを用いたエッジAIチップの研究開発を進めています.
Research and development of ultra-low-power wireless communication integrated circuits, ultra-low-power analogue front-end circuits for time-series data processing and edge AI chips based on these circuits for use in the Internet of Things (IoT) / Cyber Pysical System (CPS) is underway.

様々なモノに埋め込まれるセンサノードは,バッテリーレスで環境から電力を生成 (環境発電) することが強く求められます.この時,センサノード内の無線トランシーバは,極めて低い電力・高い電力効率で通信する必要があります.そこで我々は,数十マイクロワット以下の消費電力で動作するRFトランシーバフロントエンド回路やサブマイクロワットで動作するセンサ回路を開発しています.上図の回路では100マイクロワット程度の低消費電力動作と多値変調 (32-QAM) を両立しています.
Sensor nodes embedded in various objects are strongly required to generate power from the environment without batteries. The wireless transceiver in the sensor node must be able to communicate at very low power and high power efficiency. We are therefore developing RF transceiver circuits that operate with power consumption of less than a few tens of microwatts and sensor circuits that operate at sub-microwatts. The circuit shown above achieves both low-power operation of around 100 microwatts and multi-level modulation (32-QAM).

上図のような,ニューラルネットワークで音声中の単語を認識するための極低消費電力アナログフロントエンド回路の研究開発も進めています.スペクトログラムのように音声の周波数スペクトルをパルス密度として出力する回路です.10Hzのクロックで動作する畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)と組み合わせることによって,2種類の単語認識を数μWの消費電力 (アナログフロントエンド回路 + CNN) で達成しています.
Research and development of an extremely low-power analog front-end circuit for word recognition in speech using a neural network, as shown in the diagram above, is also underway. This circuit outputs the frequency spectrum of speech as a pulse density, similar to a spectrogram. By combining this circuit with a convolutional neural network (CNN) running at a 10 Hz clock, two types of word recognition can be achieved with power consumption of few µW for the analog front-end and the CNN digital circuits.
1.2. High-sensitivity MEMS Accelerometer
CMOS-MEMSプロセス,CMOS-MEMS統合解析・設計環境技術によるMEMS加速度センサの超高感度化と超小型化研究を核として,材料レイヤ (曽根正人教授) と応用レイヤ (三宅美博教授) と連携して,ナノG(注1計測の実現と応用展開を目指しています.我々が研究開発中の超高感度MEMS加速度センシングシステムは,機械的雑音 (ブラウニアンノイズ) を削減するために比重が大きい材料である金 (Au) を利用しているところに特徴があります.さらに,小型で雑音に強いシステムにするために,MEMS加速度センサとセンサインターフェース回路を集積化しています.また,材料面からの機械的性質制御や,慣性センサを利用した身体運動解析に基づくパーキンソン病早期発見支援システムの共同開発も進めています.
本プロジェクトは,国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 (JST) CREST情報担体を活用した集積デバイス・システム「極微振動計測デバイスによるマルチモダリティ情報担体システム」として研究活動を進めています.
We aim to realise nano-G(Note 1) measurements and develop applications in collaboration with the Materials Layer (Prof. Masato Sone) and the Application Layer (Prof. Yoshihiro Miyake), centred on research into ultra-sensitive and ultra-compact MEMS accelerometers using CMOS-MEMS processes and CMOS-MEMS integrated analysis and design environment technology. The ultra-sensitive MEMS acceleration sensing system we are developing is unique in that it uses gold (Au), a material with high specific gravity, to reduce mechanical noise (Brownian noise). Furthermore, the MEMS accelerometer and sensor interface circuit are integrated to make the system compact and noise-resistant. The project is also working on the control of mechanical properties from the material side and the joint development of a support system for the early detection of Parkinson’s disease based on analysis of body movements using inertial sensors.
This project is being conducted as “Multi-modality information carrier system using ultra-fine vibration measurement devices” in Integrated Devices and Systems Utilized by Information Carriers of the JST CREST.
MEMS:Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
注1) Note 1) Acceleration 1G = 9.8m/s2

2. Internet of Things (IoT) / Cyber Pysical System (CPS)
2.1. PETER : Cattle Animal Welfare Monitoring System
EISESiVコンソーシアム (https://www.knc.titech.ac.jp/eisesiv/) の中で,信州大学 竹田 謙一 准教授や,東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 大橋 匠 准教授,EISESiV参画企業や農家の方々と共同で進めているプロジェクトです.
This project is being promoted within the EISESiV consortium (https://www.knc.titech.ac.jp/eisesiv/) in collaboration with Associate Professor Kenichi Takeda of Shinshu University, Associate Professor Takumi Ohashi of the School of Environment and Society at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, EISESiV participating companies and farmers.

持続可能な畜産・酪農の推進に貢献することを目指して,放牧を活用しながら,生産者の収益,家畜のアニマルウェルフェアまでの全てを向上させる技術と仕組みを構築します.生産者と家畜 (ウシ) の関係に着目したときに,コスト削減とアニマルウェルフェア向上に必要不可欠な監視業務を効率化することが鍵であることから,下図のような放牧でも利用可能なウシ用モニタリングシステムの実現を目指しています.
Aiming to contribute to the promotion of sustainable livestock and dairy farming, we are building technologies and mechanisms to improve everything from farmer profits to animal welfare of livestock while utilising grazing. When focusing on the relationship between farmers and livestock (cattle), the key is to improve the efficiency of monitoring operations, which are essential for reducing costs and improving animal welfare, so we aim to realise a monitoring system for cattle that can be used for grazing, as shown below.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRV0YyVE-nw
- https://app.journal.ieice.org/trial/104_6/k104_6_544/index.html
- https://www.titech.ac.jp/public-relations/research/stories/ai-and-cattle
- https://www.titech.ac.jp/news/2021/061547

アニマルウェルフェアは動物の状態であり,その多くは行動として現れることから,行動の変化や割合から主要な項目が評価できます.そこで,我々は,移動・摂食・休息・反芻の時間 (割合) と,伏臥位・立位の時間 (割合) をモニタリングすることを目指しています.放牧地で利用しながら,少なくともウシに装着するエッジデバイスを季節放牧の半年以上連続動作させるために,長距離無線通信と低消費電力動作を両立できるLPWA (Low Power Wide Area) を利用しています.LPWAで送信できるデータ量は非常に限られているため,エッジデバイス内でAIにより行動や姿勢を推定するアプローチを採用しています.我々は低消費電力なエッジAIハードウエアに加えて,高精度かつエネルギー効率に優れる行動推定AIモデル,AIの学習に用いる時系列データ (ウシの加速度データ) に適したデータ拡張手法などの研究も行っています.
Animal welfare is a state of the animal, much of which is manifested as behaviour, so key items can be assessed from behavioural changes and proportions. We therefore aim to monitor the duration (percentage) of movement, feeding, resting and ruminating, as well as the duration (percentage) of lying down and standing up. In order to ensure that the edge devices attached to the cattle can operate continuously for at least six months of seasonal grazing while being used on pasture, we use LPWA (Low Power Wide Area), which allows both long-range wireless communication and low-power operation. As the amount of data that can be transmitted over LPWA is very limited, we adopt an approach in which AI estimates behaviour and posture within the edge device. In addition to low-power edge AI hardware, we are also working on highly accurate and energy-efficient behaviour estimation AI models and data augmentation methods suitable for time-series data (cattle acceleration data) for AI training.
- TinyCowNet (IEEE Access): https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9726221
- Data Augmentation (IEEE Sensors Journal): https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9944648
- Data Augmentation (Chaos, Solitons & Fractals): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113100

我々が開発したシステムは,沖縄県八重山郡竹富町の黒島の農家さんに協力頂き,実証実験を進めています.さらに,大橋先生を中心に,EISESiV参画企業の株式会社イー・ビー・アイ・マーケティング様 (https://ebi.marketing/) などにご協力頂きながら,牧草地を使った循環型のアニマルウェルフェア対応畜産により生産されたウシの価値を高める取り組みも進めています.
The system we have developed is being tested with the cooperation of farmers on Kuroshima Island in Taketomi-cho, Yaeyama-gun, Okinawa Prefecture. In addition, with Prof. Ohashi at the lead, and with the cooperation of EISESiV participating companies EBIMarketing Co., Ltd. (https://ebi.marketing/) and others, efforts are being made to increase the value of cattle produced by animal welfare-responsive livestock production in a recycling-oriented way using pastureland.
2.2. Disaster Forecasting: Lightning, Internal Flooding
積乱雲に関連する災害に対して早期に対策をすることを目指したプロジェクトで,EISESiVコンソーシアム (https://www.knc.titech.ac.jp/eisesiv/) の中で進めています.
音羽電機工業株式会社様 (https://www.otowadenki.co.jp/) と北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 水田 博 教授と共同で,高感度なグラフェン電界センサを用いた早期襲雷予測システムの研究開発を進めています.本研究室は雷センサデバイスの低消費電力化などを担当しています.
株式会社イーグリッド様 (https://www.e-grid.co.jp/) とは,内水対策用の低コストモニタリングシステムの共同研究を進めています.
The project aims at early action against cumulonimbus-related disasters and is being promoted within the EISESiV consortium (https://www.knc.titech.ac.jp/eisesiv/).
In collaboration with OTOWA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (https://www.otowadenki.co.jp/) and Professor Hiroshi Mizuta of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), we are developing an early-strike lightning prediction system using a high-sensitivity graphene electric field sensor. Our lab is responsible for the low power consumption design of the lightning sensor device.
Joint research on low-cost monitoring systems for flood detection in small and medium-sized rivers is underway with e-Grid Inc. (https://www.e-grid.co.jp/).
2.3. Sensing for Dental Sciences
東北大学 大学院歯学研究科 依田 信裕 教授と,ウェアラブル型リアルタイム咬合力測定装置の研究開発を推進しています.
また,歯科医 (平沼研究員) と,噛み合せと身体状態の関係性を解明するための計測やデータ解析,センシング技術の研究開発を進めています.
We are promoting research of a wearable real-time bite force measuring device with Professor Nobuhiro Yoda, Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University.
With a dentist (Dr. Hiranuma), we are developing measurement, data analysis and sensing technology to elucidate the relationship between bite and physical condition.
3. Other Collaborative Research
3.1. Compact Atomic Clock
国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構 (NICT) 電磁波研究所 原 基揚 主任研究員らと小型原子時計の研究開発を総務省「周波数資源の有効活用に向けた高精度時刻同期基盤の研究開発」の中で進めています.伊藤は,この原子時計のキーデバイスの一つである圧電薄膜共振子 (Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator: FBAR) を用いた低位相雑音高周波デジタル制御発振器や,要素回路の集積回路化を担当しています.
Research and development of a miniature atomic clock is being carried out with NICT Dr. Motoaki Hara as part of a Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) project. Ito is in charge of a low phase noise high-frequency digitally controlled oscillator using a Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR), which is one of the key devices in this atomic clock, and integration of the element circuits.

- Low phase noise synthesiser using piezoelectric resonators.:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7809078
- Simple atomic clock system with FBAR oscillator:https://www.nict.go.jp/press/2018/01/23-1.html
3.2. High-Frequency Circuit Technology
We promote research and development of high-frequency circuit technology, such as CMOS transceiver LSIs for wireless communications, with companies.
Publication Lists
Please see the Tokyo Tech Research Repository:
Research Environment
アナログ回路,高周波回路 (110GHzまで),無線通信システム,MEMS加速度センサの測定設備を保有しています.3Dプリンターやレーザーカッターも自由に利用可能です.また,文科省次世代X-nics拠点「集積Green-niX研究・人材育成拠点」(https://www.knc.titech.ac.jp/gnx/) における集積回路等の研究・教育に利用可能なHPCも導入しました.
Measuring facilities for analog circuits, high-frequency circuits (up to 110 GHz), wireless communication systems and MEMS accelerometers are available. 3D printers and laser cutters are also freely open for use. An HPC is also installed, which can be used for research and education on integrated circuits, etc. at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s (MEXT’s) Next-generation Novel Integrated Circuits Centers “Integrated Green-niX Consortium for Research and Human-Resource Development (Green-niX)” (https://www.knc.titech.ac.jp/gnx/eng/index-e.html).

Examples of owned equipment
- Network analyzer
- Keysight, N5245B, 10M-50GHz, 4port, option419
- Agilent, E8361A & N5260A & N5260-60003/60004, 10M-110GHz
- Agilent, N5245A, 10M-50GHz, 4port
- Agilent, E8364B & N4421B, 10M-50GHz, 4port
- Agilent, E5071C, 100k-8.5GHz, 4port
- Agilent, 8720ES, 50M-20GHz
- Signal generator
- Keysight, E8267D, 250k-44GHz, Enhanced ultra low phase noise
- Agilent, E8257D, 250k-67GHz
- Anritsu, MG3700A, 250k-6GHz
- Agilent, E4438C, 250k-6G
- Anritsu, MG3700A, 250k-6G
- Spectrum analyzer
- Agilent, E4448A, 3-50GHz
- Agilent, 8563EC, 9k-26.5GHz
- Vector signal analyzer
- Agilent, 89600S, DC-6GHz
- Signal source analyzer
- Agilent, E5052B & E5053A, 10M-26GHz
- Agilent, E5052A, 10M-7GHz
- Noise figure analyzer
- Agilent, N8975A
- Bit-error-rate test system
- Agilent, Pulse pattern generator, E8403A & E8491B & E4808A & E4861A x8 & E4868B, ~40Gbps
- Agilent, Error detector, E8403A & E8491B & E4808A & E4861A x8 & E4869B, ~40Gbps
- Anritsu, Signal Quality Analyzer, MP1800A x2, 0.1-25Gbps
- Anritsu, Pulse pattern generator, MP1761A x2, 50M-12.5Gbps
- Anritsu, Error detector, MP1762A, 50M-12.5Gbps
- Sampling oscilloscope
- Lecroy, SDA100G & SE-100 x2, ~100GHz
- Agilent, 86100C & 86117A & 86107A, ~50GHz
- Semiconductor parameter analyzer
- Agilent, E5270B & E5287A x4 & E5281B x4
- Agilent, E5270B & E5281B x8
- Agilent, E5270A & E5281A x8
- RF prober station x 4
- Printed circuit board processing equipment
- MITS, FPZ-31ATHP model 60
- Server
- Intel Xeon-Platinum 8353H (2.5GHz/18-core/150W) Processor Kit for HPE Superdome Flex 280 x8, HPE Superdome Flex 280 64GB (1x64GB) Dual Rank x4 DDR4-3200 Registered Standard Memory Kit x48, etc.
- Cadence・Mentor・Synopsys, HFSS, GoldenGate, MATLAB, Coventor Ware, etc.
Room for Researchers & Students (J2-701)
環境を一新し,フリーアドレスにしました.4Kディスプレイやレーザプリンタ,打合せスペース,屋内向け水耕栽培装置,MUSVI「窓」(https://musvi.jp/) が自由に利用できます.研究室所属の学生にはmac bookを1人1台貸し出します.
The environment has been redesigned to a free address system, with 4K displays, laser printers, meeting spaces, indoor hydroponic equipment and MUSVI “windows” (https://musvi.jp/) available for free use. Each student belonging to our laboratory can borrow a mac book.