伊藤 浩之 教授がリーダーを務めている東京科学大学 総合研究院 ナノセンシング研究ユニットでは,アナログ集積回路技術・集積化MEMS技術とその応用技術を研究しています.
Nano Sensing Research Unit (NaSU), Institute of Innovative Research, Institute of Science Tokyo, led by Professor Hiroyuki Ito. In a short, this is an Analog TEchnology and Application Laboratory (So, we call our lab by another name, “aTeal”.)
Also serves as
- Applied Electronics Research Core, The Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Technology (FIRST)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering
Message from Ito
予防・診断・治療の各々において健康さや健全性に関係するファクターの明確化と定量化が必要不可欠であると考え,重要な情報の多くが含まれている「振動」に着目して,人と動物・環境を対象としたセンシング技術の研究開発を進めています.例えば,実空間に存在する「モノ」の状態の変化の多くが物理的な動きの変化,つまり加速度として現れると考えて,超高感度加速度センシング技術の研究を進めています.新たな発見が得られるようになることを目指して,これまで得られない,あるいは得にくかったデータを取得するために,Si CMOS集積回路技術を軸として,センサの高感度化と,人・動物・環境に実装する場合に強く求められる無線センサハードウエアの低消費電力化を追求しています.さらに,これらが技術の局所最適化に陥らないように,社会実装を同時並行で進めています.
We aim to contribute to solving future global problems and contributing to society through open innovation in the research, development, and commercialization of electronics and applied technologies for sustainable medicine, healthcare, and food production, which are closely related to society’s highest goals of happiness and well-being.
We believe that it is essential to clarify and quantify factors related to health and wellness in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, and are conducting research and development of sensing technologies for humans, animals, and the environment, focusing on “vibration,” which contains a great amount of important information. For example, many changes in the state of “objects” in real space appear as changes in physical motion, i.e., acceleration, and research on ultra-sensitive acceleration sensing technology is being conducted. In order to obtain data that has been difficult or impossible to obtain in the past, we are developing Si CMOS integrated circuit technology to achieve higher sensor sensitivity and lower power consumption of wireless sensor hardware, which is strongly required for implementation in humans, animals, and the environment, with the aim of obtaining new discoveries. Furthermore, to avoid local optimization of these technologies, we are simultaneously promoting their implementation in society.
We are looking for researchers and students who are conducting research together with us! Please contact Ito!
東京科学大学すずかけ台キャンパス J2棟 7階
Institute of Science Tokyo, Suzukakedai Campus, Building J2, 7th Floor

伊藤 浩之 教授 (Professor Hiroyuki Ito)
(at)を@に置き換えてください.Please replace (at) with @.